Okay, FIVE Months is Ridiculous: A Brief Update

Hey, all. Sorry for the radio silence. Although, I suppose you can’t really call it that because that term is usually reserved for purposeful silence. My silence? There was no purpose. I’ve just been busy. Busy with life, busy with work, and most of all busy trying to finish Season 3 in order to present it in all its twisted glory. Seeing as though today is the one year anniversary of the premiere of Season 2, I thought I owed everybody some kind of update-y-doo.

Aaaaaand that update is pretty much the same as the last one: it’s coming.

Like I said five months ago, my days are being taken up by other things. Sometimes I have to write up notes for the improv teams I coach (which takes A LOT longer than you would expect). Sometimes I have to leave at a specific time to arrive in San Francisco at a specific time, which gives me less time to devote to this here podcast. And sometimes, I’m just bloody tired and need to take a nap or just wanna veg out and see what’s on TV. I can see why people give themselves deadlines… not that I’m going to start doing that.

And really, that wouldn’t matter anyway, because sometimes I’m going to be beholden to other people’s schedules, like I am at the moment. Two episodes are still awaiting some retakes, but alas, unlucky scheduling and illness have delayed those. The good news is that three episodes are locked and loaded, and one episode, I suspect, will be ready to go in the can sooner than later.

So in the interim, I’ve been looking over the drafts I have for S4 scripts and slowly have begun casting them in my head. I also, much to my surprise, thought of a new full length screenplay idea that I want to put some energy into. But I have not forgotten about my little COVID project that took on a life of its own. S3 is coming, and while I don’t want to make any promises, let alone predictions (because I’ve been terrible at those), I have a good feeling it will be out before the year is up, and hopefully before the holidays. But hey, even if it does get released around holiday time, that wouldn’t actually be so bad, because one of the episodes is holiday themed! Consider that your tease for this blog entry.

Okay, that’s all for now. I’m gonna go listen to an episode to see if I find any kinks that need sorting out. Thanks for your patience!



Witness… The End of a Drought!


Okay, Three and a Half Months is Too Long Between Updates