Season 2 Update!!!

Well, it’s been eighteen days since Season 1 ended, and that’s just enough time to have past for me to tell you all how Season 2 is coming along! First and least importantly, I bit the bullet and changed the title of the blog page to, appropriately, “Blog,” taking the place of “News.” I don’t know why I didn’t just have it be “Blog” from the get-go; I think I figured “News” was more all-encompassing for whatever reason. They’re probably interchangeable. NONE OF THIS MATTERS.

So. SEASON 2. I’ve begun casting the episodes. Three episodes have their casts set in stone and recording dates are currently being scheduled. The other three episodes I’m going to hold off on because I don’t want to overload myself. I mean, I’m sure I’m capable of working on six episodes at a time, but why push myself? Imagine I said all of that in a “humble brag” sort of way, if that wasn’t clear already. (I’m writing this right before bed, so if there’s a stream of consciousness feel to everything here, then that’s why, and I will not apologize for it.)

The process of scheduling can be a tricky one. Everyone has, you know, their own life, which they are free to lead as they choose. This li’l’ ol’ podcast should never take precedent. The thing I need to constantly remind myself, though, is that there’s no rush on this. I haven’t set out a release date. I’m not a Hollywood producer, carving out a summer tentpole debut four years before the movie even hits pre-production. This is why I like to have all the episodes in the can before I decide on a premiere date: it’s a no-stress situation. Still, if I had to ballpark a debut date for those just absolutely jonesing to know when they can hear more weird shit, I’d say, like, mid-July/early-August. But no promises! If this ends up being an autumn baby, then so be it.

But in the name of transparency, I do promise to keep y’all posted with teases and tastes of the season to come. For example, how would you like to know the titles and synopses of all six, yes, ALL SIX Season 2 episodes? Some of you are probably clawing at the screen right now; some of you are probably praying to the spoiler gods that I don’t ruin everything for everyone; and I’d guess a big chunk of you stumbled on this page by accident and are wondering why you’re still reading the ramblings of a sleep-deprived mad man. Well, here, I’ll give you a tease that appeases all of you: it shows you what’s to come, it doesn’t spoil anything, and it deepens your understanding of how my mind works when I should really be going to bed.


S2 preview.png

Hope that satiates the lot of ya.

That’ll do it for now. I’m gonna do a crossword puzzle and hit the sack. But not before… Oh, why the hell not. BONUS TEASE: I’m actually currently writing the first draft of an episode for SEASON 3, and if you liked the 1997 film adaptation of Lost in Space, then you’re going to love this story. But that’s all I’ll say for now. Sleep tight, everyone.



Happy Twilight Zone Day!


Witness… The End of the Party