Witness… A Long Overdue Announcement. With a Twist!

Okay, I’ll try and keep this short and sweet. So like the past three seasons, the plan for Season 4 was to have six completed episodes premiere over the course of six weeks. Sounds reasonable, right? Only scheduling the actual recording of the last three episodes proved to be exceedingly difficult, what with my month and a half in Chicago and people having lives outside of podcasts and whatnot. Meanwhile, three perfectly good and finished episodes have been sitting idly, basically just begging to be heard by someone’s ears that aren’t mine. But my traditions! My need to have all six episodes in the can before I even think about a premiere date! Surely I must stay true to myself, right?

Eh, fuck all that.

That’s right, on January 29, just a scant nine days from today, Season 4 will stop dropping. The first three episodes will premiere then, February 5 and February 12, followed by hopefully not another lengthy drought before the final three episodes are cast off into the world (fingers crossed it happens by summer at the earliest; I have confidence we can make it happen).

Also, you’ll notice there isn’t a trailer this time around. I’d like to say that’s because I want to keep these eps hidden until it’s time (hell, you got a preview in the Bonus Episode). Or that making a trailer from just three eps isn’t quite as interesting and therefore not as worth it. But really, I’m just lazy, and I had covid all this week, so my voice isn’t really camera-ready, if you know what I mean. Sorry.

In any case, get ready to finally have your anthology-podcast-series-performed-by-improvisers-reading-scripts-written-by-another-improviser craving satiated! Some weird, funny and dark shit returns at the end of this month. Rejoice!



Witness… The Pirate’s Life for Me


Happy Halloween! Here’s a Treat (No Trick)!