Season 3 Update!!!
One year ago today, a humble, little podcast made its way onto the interwebs and changed the course of history forever. I’m not sure which podcast that was, but coincidentally, that’s also when Witness if You Will… premiered! So Happy Paper Anniversary to us all. To celebrate, I think it’s about time for some new content, don’t ya think? After all, it’s been 65 days since the end of Season 2. The Holidays have come and gone; Omicron has come and won’t go away (though if data is to believed, and it should, it should be on the decline soon, thank GOODNESS); and you’ve just been waiting, waiting to get your hands on something new (don’t deny it; you were and are). Well, you can wait NO LONGER! Unless you’ve gotten used to all that waiting and have formed a comfortable relationship with it, in which case, don’t read the rest of this blog entry. I’ll show you a picture of a kitten and then you can sign off and continue your waiting ways; this blog will be here if and when that relationship goes sour. Not that I’m wishing for it to go sour, but I’d like people to read this, and it’s hard to do that when they’re, you know, waiting. Ahem... Anyway, those of you who are done waiting, do your best to move beyond this little cutie.
A cat I met in London nine years ago at an Air B&B I stayed at.
He spent more time with me than the person who actually lived there.
You made it? Cool. Now, it’s true that the new content here is just this blog entry you’re currently reading, but the content of said content should be… spicy? Is that an appropriate word? It’s something, anyway, because I want to update you on Season 3! You ready? Here’s the update:
It’s starting.
That’s it. I don’t know when it’s starting, exactly, but casts have been set for five of the six episodes (with the sixth coming together hopefully soon), scripts have been sent out, and now it’s just about scheduling recording times that fit into everyone’s busy lives. Season 3 is shaping up to be the biggest season yet. Not necessarily in terms of length, mind you; there will probably be some long ones, but I’m aiming to make these shorter. Kids these days, their attention spans aren’t what they used to be. Maybe I should add an alarm bell in the middle of each episode, just to make sure they keep their ears on the podcast. Something to consider… In any case, this next batch of six stories covers some interesting genres and topics, and I’m really excited to see what the performers bring to them.
What can I say specifically about Season 3, especially when I’ve been notoriously cagey and mischievous when it comes to teases? Well, I can say that we’re going international this time around: some of the voice actors cast currently reside in places other than California! Sure, we’ve had performers that live on the East Coast in the past, and that’ll be the case here, too. But we’ll also have performers that live across the GMT line! That’s going to make scheduling recording sessions even more fun! WOO!
I’ll admit, I’m nervous about Season 3. Not just because of any ambitions it may hold, but because this is now a long-standing podcast, in a way. Sure, twelve episodes isn’t that much, especially when compared to any actual long-standing shows, and listenership isn’t exactly where I’d like it to be, so it isn’t like there’s a rabid fanbase ready to pounce on the slightest misstep (every artist’s dream). But as a self-proclaimed perfectionist, I want the level of quality in this series to maintain itself, if not outright surpass what came before it. I know, I know, perfection isn’t real, and believe me, I’ve loosened my desire as time has gone on, even with this podcast. Still, its job is to entertain, and my biggest hope is that WiYW… continues to do so for at least six more episodes. I know I’m having fun writing and recording them, so I hope you have an equal amount of fun listening to them as well.
So, that’s all I have for now. Except… Oh, why not, I’ll give you a tease. And this will be a real tease, not some jokey bullshit one. At least, I think this counts as real. I want to show you a list of some of the things that inspired the stories you’ll be hearing in Season 3. I’ll list them in alphabetical order, so you don’t get any ideas of what’s coming when, and I don’t think these will completely give away what genres you should be expecting, but… Fuck it, enough stalling. Here are ten things that inspired S3:
The Bourne Identity
David Cronenberg
A friend’s divorce
Game of Thrones
The Last of Us
Lord of the Rings
Lost in Space (the 1998 adaptation… yeah, I know, why? You’ll see.)
MGMT’s “Kids”
A plush rabbit doll
Sweet Tooth
If someone manages to piece those altogether to guess what kinds of stories you’ll be getting next season, then, uh, wow, good for you. You probably win every Wordle you play with the first row. (Speaking of which, I tried my darndest to avoid falling into the Wordle craze, but fuck if it isn’t fun and I’m pretty good at it.)
Anyway, there you go. I’ll update some more when there’s something to update. Because that’s how updates work.
Happy Anniversary!